![]() 11/22/2017 at 01:22 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Yes it is as bad as it sounds
You see, I’ve known her for 8 years, 7.6 of which we’ve lived together. 6.9 of those she’s been ill. Initially we thought it was black mold caused by the, well, black mold in our first (incredibly shitty) apartment.
We’ve tried everything we can think of - tossed tens upon tens of thousands of dollars at doctors, specialists, you name it we tried it. It wasn’t until a few months ago when our new doctor (hooray Cigna!) actually paid attention to all those test results that he decided to try something no other doctor would glance at (boo Kaiser Permanente).
He sent her to (yet another) cardiologist who, much like him, did little more than pay attention to the 6 or so years of results. After a day’s deliberation my wife was put on 4 grams of Sodium Chloride per day.
I cook pretty much all the food in the house, for good reason. I don’t use much, if any, salt. Turns out that she has a problem and that problem is lack of salt. It constricts her veins, makes her dehydrated, makes her pass out at random times. She has been on the high sodium setup for a few months now and is making great strides to recovery! She’s moving around, doing cardio and strength training, and is on track to graduate college next month. I couldn’t be happier. I kick myself relentlessly for unknowingly putting this on her.
Back to your regularly scheduled shitposting.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 01:27 |
Don’t kick yourself too hard, you’re not a doctor and this result is nuts.
Also, regarding diets: most people think less salt equals more healthy... How are you to know?
![]() 11/22/2017 at 01:29 |
Indeed. Even the cardiologist who prescribed the NaCl said “now you’ll never hear another doctor say this but you need MORE salt” lol
At least, with the salt tabs, I don’t have to modify any recipes and possibly put my own health in danger.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 01:32 |
Sodium? Chloride? THOSE ARE HORRIBLE THINGS TO GIVE YOUR WIFE YOU MONSTER!! How salty does someone have to be to do this to a loved one?!?!
![]() 11/22/2017 at 01:58 |
Dude, you had nothing but good intentions. Sometimes medical stuff is just...weird. And it sounds like the first rounds of DOCTORS couldn’t figure it out, so give yourself a break.
Just be grateful that it’s figured out, and she’s making progress. It could be so much worse.
Try not to kick yourself. You sound like a good guy.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 02:19 |
salty? Just don’t shower for a few days ...
![]() 11/22/2017 at 03:15 |
My grandpa had a similar ordeal. He nearly had a heart attack at about 40, and had open heart surgery. He was told to cut down on salt, so he did. A lot. By the time he was in his 70s, he was very low energy, feeling faint sometimes, memory issues, and eventually had a mild stroke. He went through like 4 or 5 doctors before the last one finally put it together that he wasn’t getting enough sodium. After he changed his diet, he improved a lot for a few years, and I wonder how many more years he’d have had if one of the doctors had caught it sooner.
It’s good that you guys caught that, and while I can understand feeling some guilt, definitely try not to beat yourself up, you had no way of knowing.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 03:20 |
who’d of thought being healthy can kill you.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 03:28 |
I’m trying to figure out how this could be written into a murder mystery tv show. It would have been a good episode of Bones.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 04:27 |
Fuck yeah :) not often a long-term health issue gets solved so decisively.
Personally, I would be tempted to phone up the other doctors who failed to sort this out and let them know what it was. Mainly so that the next time they might catch it 6.9 years sooner for the next person.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 08:22 |
There was that episode of X files where they’re trapped on a boat that accelerates aging. Turns out it’s the excessive salt dehydrating everyone and other symptons.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 08:51 |
That is amazing! So glad that she is doing so well now!
![]() 11/22/2017 at 08:59 |
No salt in your recipes? Ewww.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 09:23 |
To each their own y’know
Salt has its place. I use it, I just don’t make a point of putting it in everything as so many do these days
![]() 11/22/2017 at 09:24 |
I’d be tempted but with KP’s high doctor turnover rate, and the fact that we’ve seen so many , I don’t know if I could find even a fraction of them
![]() 11/22/2017 at 09:24 |
I’d be tempted but with KP’s high doctor turnover rate, and the fact that we’ve seen so many , I don’t know if I could find even a fraction of them
![]() 11/22/2017 at 09:42 |
(hooray Cigna!)
3 years ago when I switched jobs to my current employer, I was introduced to Cigna, and you’re not kidding. It really is the best coverage and cheapest coverage I’ve ever had. A company that takes care of their employees and pays for the coverage we get, makes me happy working here.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 10:00 |
damn! glad you found an answer though
my sister had a series of strange maladies as a youngen, turned out it was an imbalance in sugar, took forever to figure out too
![]() 11/22/2017 at 10:04 |
That’s great to have a real resolution! Don’t beat yourself up too badly, you couldn’t have known. We always here about salt being bad for us.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 10:41 |
We switched off the KP plan to the Cigna last year. It’s high deductible but totally worth it. We also get Paladina coverage so basically any PCP stuff is gratis :)